Who Uses Coupons?

A survey of 8,500 people provided insight into who does and does not use coupons.

Here’s a summary of the study’s findings:

“Coupon Lovers”

  • People with household incomes in excess of $100,000 per year are roughly two times more likely to be coupon lovers.
  • People who consider the environment of utmost importance are the most likely to be coupon lovers — 37% more likely than others.
  • College-educated people are 78% more likely than the non-college educated to be coupon lovers.
  • Parents are 48% more likely than non-parents to be coupon lovers.
  • Northeasterners are 66% more likely than West Coasters to be coupon lovers.
  • The middle-aged are more likely than younger generations to have a strong opinion about online coupons.
  • Coupon lovers are 220% more likely than abstainers to highly value tradition, and 96% more likely to highly value self-direction.
  • Devoutly religious people are 31% more likely to be coupon lovers and substantially less likely to be coupon abstainers.
  • Libertarians are 47% more likely to be online coupon users.

“Coupon Haters”

  • Self-identified insecure, temperamental people are 33% more likely to be abstainers. (harsh!)
  • Detached, sophisticated, careless and procrastinating people are also each at least 20% more likely to be coupon abstainers.
  • Men are 27% more likely to be coupon abstainers.
  • Insecure, low-income men are the quintessential coupon abstainers, being 130% more likely to avoid online coupons. Those with household incomes of less than $50,000 per year are a fifth as likely to be coupon lovers.