How to Increase Customer Loyalty Using Coupons

Marketers crave loyal customers. From a businessperson’s point-of-view, a loyal customer is the closest thing there is to a Money Tree. Imagine, a constant source of revenue!

But look a little deeper and you will discover that customers aren’t born loyal. They become loyal because a company did something to earn that loyalty. Customer loyalty is no accident.

Your customer paid good money for your product. They could have selected any product, but they picked YOU. And now they have your product in hand. It’s the perfect time to begin earning their loyalty.

An offer inserted inside the product’s packaging gives you the chance to thank them for their purchase. You can offer them a discount on their next purchase (and in the process, make sure they don’t defect to a competitor). You could suggest other products from your product line that compliment the item they bought today. Perhaps you insert a game card, recipe, stickers, or creative ways to use the product. Encourage them to join your electronic newsletter or club. Or offer a mail-in rebate.

Build a strong relationship by thanking them for their trust. Keep them from switching brands. Promote long-term loyalty by encouraging them to make another purchase. Start earning loyal customers with an in-pack promotion.