Humanitare Helfers need protection and access to humanitarian aid in order to be effective in their work. Their safety is of paramount importance, and it is crucial that humanitarian aid does not become a target for attacks. Some examples of this humanitarian aid include medical supplies, education, and the handling of patient*ins in hospitals. In addition to medical aid, humanitarian Helfers are also able to use mobile clinics in areas such as Charkiw, as well as two medical trains that can evacuate patients from burning areas.
Ukrainische Vereine
There are numerous ukrainische Vereine that help the Ukraine people in various ways. One of these organizations is the German Verein Ukrainische Vereine Ukraine helfen. The Verein supports the work of Ukrainian Wohltätigkeitsvereine and Kriegsflüchtlinge. Their focus is the provision of material aid for the people in Ukraine. These groups are also open to receiving donations of goods and services. You can also donate money to help the people in Ukraine in any way you can.
One such organization is the Schuler Helfen Leben, the largest youth aid organization in Germany. This group aims to motivate young Germans to do their part for Ukraine. They organize exchanges with Ukrainian students and have launched several not-for-profit projects in the Ukraine. The action medeor association has also founded a medical aid center to provide medical aid to the Ukrainian people. While the Verein is based in Germany, they are active in Ukraine and help with humanitarian aid.
Caritas Ukraine
In 1999, Caritas Ukraine began a home care program. In cooperation with the German Caritas association, this organization now has 14 social stations caring for about 700 patients. Caregiver staff provides medical care, appointments, and erend behorden trips for patients. In addition to home care, Caritas Ukraine also organizes psychological services. The number of victims has been increasing steadily. Today, more than half of those affected live in poverty.
The international organization Caritas is coordinating aid in Ukraine and supporting its national organization, Caritas International. It also condemns the escalation of the conflict and the killing of civilians. Caritas Deutschland unterstützt its partner organization, Caritas Ukraine, in its humanitarian work. To date, the international organization has distributed more than $1.6 million to help the country. The charity also organizes psychosocial trauma work for kriegsimpacted children.
The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has deployed personnel and additional Helfers to Ukraine. More people are forced to flee the conflict, which has caused more than four million fliers in the country. The agency is asking for your help in helping them. You can support the humanitarian efforts of UNO-Fluchtlingshilfe in Ukraine by making a donation online or by sending a bank transfer.
The conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014 and the number of deaths continues to rise. Several parties have tried to negotiate partial ceasefires. In the year 2015, the Minsker Abkommen was signed that separated areas under the control of the Ukrainian government and those that were not. The ceasefires have not held. In the meantime, many people have been displaced and thousands of others have been displaced.
Deutsche Rote Kreuz

German Red Cross (DRK) is asking for your help in this crisis in Ukraine. As a member of the European Blood Donors Network, you will be helping to ensure that victims of the conflict do not become victims of the ongoing war. While there is no way to directly influence the situation in Ukraine, the DRK is actively watching the humanitarian situation and is asking for your help. The current security situation in Ukraine prevents it from accepting Sachspenden (donations).
As the Ukraine conflict continues, so will the need for humanitarian aid. In addition to Germany, the DRK is active in Munchen and provides comprehensive assistance in the country. In line with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the DRK has also established its own Ukraine spenden Rote Kreuz society, where it coordinates aid efforts in that country. In addition to DRK assistance, the URK is also providing vital support for the victims of the Ukraine crisis.
A Vancouver resident is helping his uncle in Ukraine by raising funds through a GoFundMe campaign. So far, he has raised more than $100,000 to help his uncle and his family. Andriy works in a company that supplies raw ingredients for bakeries, and he has started a project to make bread for those in need. Your help is very much needed. Please consider making a donation to help this family.
The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1944. The organization has resettled more than 70,000 Ukrainian refugees in the United States, and has helped countless other Ukrainians around the world. The organization is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, and every donation is tax-deductible. The UUARC acknowledges every donation. This means that no matter how big or small, your donation will go a long way in helping Ukrainians.