The Best Way to Save Money Using Coupons

If you’re here, it’s likely that you’ve visited a time or two, whether to print coupons, get coupons codes or to find more info about how to save money. But maybe you’ve never quite seen the full scope of the site.

How do printable coupons work?

Using our digital coupons is a piece of cake. Just follow these four steps:

  • Visit our gallery of printable coupons.
  • Click on the offers you’d like to print.
  • After you’ve selected your offers, click the Print button. If it’s your first time printing, you’ll be asked to install the Coupon Printer—but don’t worry. It’s simply a safe browser add-on that makes sure your coupons will be redeemable at the store. Without the Coupon Printer, you wouldn’t be able to print redeemable Coupons.
  • Then go shopping! And, of course, save money—that’s the best part.

How does the Savings Card feature work?

This is slick—here’s what you do.

  • Register at and add your Savings Card to your account.
  • Visit our gallery of Savings Card coupons. Click on the coupons that you want to add to your Savings Card.
  • Print your coupon list as a reminder of which products to buy at the store.
  • When you enter your Savings Card number at checkout, your coupons will be applied and you’ll see that amount drop off your bill. Awesome.

A quick note: If you add a coupon to your Savings Card, you can’t remove it from your Savings Card and you can’t print it. Likewise, if you have printed a coupon, you can’t add it to your Savings Card.

How else can I save money with?

Here are some of the cool features we offer for everyone aspiring to be a couponista (or coupon ninja—your pick).

  • Weekly savings alerts: The Super Saver newsletter will remind you, “Hey, go check out the new coupons!” Plus it’ll give you a sampling of what the current offers are. We’re constantly refreshing offers and adding new ones throughout the month. Subscribing to the Super Saver is the best way to make sure that you never miss out on another great coupon.
  • Savings Club. When you join the Savings Club, you can get higher-value coupons, early access to great offers, and the exclusive Coupon Finder. This tool searches the web to find you the best offers available, and organizes these offers for you on the site. That way you don’t have to go searching for offers for your favorite brands—the Coupon Finder does all the work for you. And what’s cool is, right now, you can get a free 1-year membership to the Savings Club! That’s worth $30—don’t miss this. Be sure to apply promo code BIRTHDAY.
  • Coupon Codes. Like to shop online? We have thousands of coupon codes to save you money, from free shipping to discounts at your favorite retailers. Never buy anything online unless you search for a coupon code first—and we have some of the best.