When choosing a hosting, you should also select the appropriate provider. To determine its reliability, integrity and efficiency are guided by the following characteristics:
- Allocated disk space. Its value should satisfy the normal operation of the hosted site. Small projects such as “site-business card” or “landing” fit into 100 MB, and “multi-page” or online games are sometimes not limited to 500 gigabytes. In these cases, renting a physical server or part of it is no longer necessary.
- System compatibility. When choosing a hosting, make sure that the content management system (CMS) of your site supports the resource you are interested in. To do this, it is recommended to contact the support of the service, they will help with the selection of the desired tariff plan or suggest products of competitors.
- Support. The importance of the work of this service is not necessary. Moreover, before finally choosing a hosting, it is better to make sure the efficiency and quality of its answers. You also need to familiarize yourself with the time of its work, the availability of weekends and the maximum allotted waiting time when requested.
- Availability of traffic. On many hosting sites, there are restrictions on the number of visits per time period. Otherwise, the page may freeze or turn off. Choose a value is better for your needs. If there are no assumptions among the possible visitors, it is better to choose a hosting that allows unlimited traffic.
- Guaranteed work time (up-time). This time period your site will be available for visits. For good providers, it is 96-98%. Beware of choosing a hosting that claims 100% availability, because any server needs a reboot and scheduled maintenance.
- Functionality and simplicity of the control panel. The more well-known popular tools are collected in it, the easier it will be to work with such an interface. Beginners prefer the choice of hosting, on the panel of which cPanel c Fantastico is installed. This eliminates the need to learn Unix when working with useful functions and scripts. DirectAdmin has good flexibility.
- The physical location of the server. It is always a priority to use domestic resources. The distance to the server is proportional to the site loading speed. Providers should not hide this information, although there are ways to determine it yourself.
- The presence of automatic backups and a file manager. The ability to automatically back up files and databases is a big plus for any service. The function of additional information protection BackUp should not be ignored, but it is useful to configure it immediately when you start working with the resource.
- SSL certification. This Internet technology encrypts the transmitted data from the web server (site) to the browser and vice versa. The option is actively ranked by Google.

You can find different hosting options on this website https://justvps.com/.
Various myths circulate on the Internet, spread both by hosting users and by competing organizations themselves to gain customer trust and further cooperation with him. Here are a few examples that should not be taken objectively:
- The presence of round-the-clock support confirms the steepness of the office. It is worth noting that you can talk about qualified support only in single companies. At the same time, hundreds of providers are shouting about it. Most of them hire part-time students who can only click the switch at the right time for night support. This does not indicate their viability.
- Website loading speed depends on ping. Many authors of articles in tips on how to choose a good hosting argue that the speed of its work affects the load time of sites. In fact, the indicator is associated with several reasons, including the load on the server used.